Saturday, November 21, 2009

Eat to satisfy hungry

Weight Watchers says fear hunger

Weight Watchers says fear hunger. It is a good diet and if you are one of the ones who can do it for life, my hats off to you. Good job!!! Live life and prosper.

Hunger is a natural way of eating. Welcome hunger, eat when hungry then stopped when your satisfied not full.

Wait until your hungry and use this chart while you are eating to determine hunger

Your Hungry and your hunger needs some attention so eat but eat slowly, savor the flavor.

Your Hunger sends your brain some gratification but your are still considerable hungry

Your start to feel some satisfaction but you are still legitimately hungry

Your Hunger starts to subside and your only feeling moderately hungry

Your Hunger is near satisfaction but you are feeling slightly hungry

Hunger disappears and your satisfied

If you take one more bite you will be full and full is to much

This will take practice so practice practice practice. Hunger is a natural way of eating. Welcome hunger, eat when hungry then stopped when your satisfied not full. Hunger is a natural way of eating. Welcome hunger, eat when hungry then stopped when your satisfied not full.

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